• Upcoming Meetings:

    June 24th at 7:30 A.M.

    July 15th at 7:30 A.M.

    August 12th at 7:30 A.M.

    The Board of Education for Mattawan Consolidated School will be held in the Administration Office Boardroom.   Public Participation, Meeting Agendas and Minutes, Protocols, and Policies are available on the left-hand menu.  For those who wish to address the Board, there will be a yellow form available to complete at the meeting.

    The Board of Education sets general direction and establishes policy for the school system and hires employees to carry out those decisions. The superintendent is the employee most directly responsible to the Board, working with other persons to set administrative procedures, guidelines, and practices that assure effective day-to-day operation of the school district.

    The Mattawan Board of Education normally meets regularly on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM except for June, July and August, when the meetings will be held at 7:30 AM.

    June regular meetings are typically the last Monday of the month.

    Special meetings and location changes are posted on the website calendar as well as on the front entrance of the Administration wing of the ECEC building.

    All meetings are held in the Board Meeting Room in the Administration wing of the ECEC Building, located at 56720 Murray Street in Mattawan, unless posted otherwise.


    Open Meetings Act

    "The Michigan Open Meetings Act (OMA) requires meetings of a public body to be open to the public and held in a place available to the general public. Notice of regular meetings shall be posted within ten days after the first meeting in each calendar or fiscal year, and notice of special meetings shall be posted at least 18 hours before the meeting. In addition, the OMA allows for public bodies to hold emergency meetings. Public notices must contain the name of the public body to which the notice applies, its telephone number, and its address. PA 528 of 2012 amended the OMA with the intent to create more transparency in the event a public body has to hold an emergency meeting that does not comply with the 18-hour notice requirement of the OMA."